"Rights and Laws"

Most of the countries have gone through their own level and particular succession of conflicts and struggle. The main reason of the conflicts and imbalance were because of prevalence of disparities among the citizens based on tribes, religion, and region. Poor governance, corruption, improper utilization of power is also other factors for the country’s stability and conflicts. But the theme of any movements is likely to be for the equal rights to all of the people regardless of the geography, color, religion, sex, tribes, within the particular country. But above all Fundamental rights to people is the main ideology behind all the differential unstable phases in almost any country.

“Fundamental rights” and “Rule of law” are the basic elements that are required to make any society or country successful or stable. But, Rights to people which are pre- requisite to every citizens of the country should be mandatory. Every peoples and groups are taken equal by the governing system.  Whether the country is least developed or unsuccessful during peaceful progress, there should be certain fundamental rights given to the people. Those Rights which are violated is checked and inspected by the judiciary sections under various rules and laws. If the system could not show the effectiveness of providing justice regarding those rights, many international foundations and organization are there to regulate and push the unstable country in the matter of ensuring Fundamental rights to people. Especially that organization emphasizes to ensure rights to the people who are the victims of revolution in the respective nation. 


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