Chaotic Notions


This world seems to be organized for everyone and they act accordingly .They ease themselves to be more and more comfortable and organised. But, analyzing the studies from astronomy, the current situation is the result of completely mysterious event and phenomenon. The possibility of this existence of living environment in the Earth with the perfect balance to other Planets, Stars, Galaxies, Universes and even Multiverses is very less. And, mathematically, the probability of the present condition of our Earth might be point several zeros and one. Now, we can easily guess how less is our possibility of existence. Likewise, minimum is our possibility of thinking about anything. It is just beyond explanations.

From neutrinos to intensification of Multiverses and from time quanta to light years, these are explained by both ancient and modern physicists through the evolving series of discoveries. Some of them also concluded that everything is the perfect organised form of chaos. On the other hand, if we take an account of the different people, they may find their own way of explaining which might be totally tilted to the religious point of view. They confidently believe that God created and planned each and every moment starting from their own lives to the life of whatever they perceive and believe. As we combine the both ideology we should understand that there must not be all these dense and the matters we see out of nothing. Something has to create it. And something has to preserve it and make it stable to bring us  and everything to this time.

We could be wrong if we keep on believing as our wish despite the real fact but the realm and fact of the world is not going to be revealed easily. As Bertrand Russell had said “we think therefore we are” can be another thinkable thought for some of us when we are drowned sometimes.Or, may be we are solitary in every way and we can only experience being ourselves. Or! We are just beings living by varying our sizes within certain time frame naming “Years”. Anyway, let just that be mystery and let us wonder sometimes about this notions.


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