Constitution Game Of Nepal

I don’t want to waffle much in this blog. And I don’t want to be luscious about this burning subject as well. As we know that we are in the process of making new constitution. It seems like constitution is the cynosure these days. We believe that we must be careful in drafting the constitution because it is the voice of every people in our country and it will last for many years. It means we should be visionary in process to come up with the new constitution. We have to do long research of years which we have been doing since many years. But, we have to do this, only if the constitution will be a sustainable one and if it will last for a century. But, we have a bitter experience in the past. We desired new constitution not more than 15 years of time after previous constitution in 2048 has been drafted. Now, we have already spent 15 years in this new process. Constitution making became a conundrum for the representatives of the country.  So, it is simple to understand that if the constitution is not going to last for so long, then why are we wasting our too much effort and energy to it ?(from previous research). It is same as we spend one year to build the house which is workable for again one year. But, while saying this, we might get offended by some people as they are in a favor of doing long term research in order to promulgate constitution.Those group of people believe so because of the vast difference in the situation  now comparatively than before. And that might also be true.

Parties are incongruous and politicians are fudging about the constitution making process. Also, politicians have proved themselves of being inept, but they have cleverly tackled the public and still at a place where they don’t deserve to be. They are not ashamed of shenanigans towards the process. They don’t care of thousands of indigent people of the country. Fudging every day without a result has become their daily routine. Developmental planning and works are hindering as everyone are focusing in the constitution making process. Wealth in the name of constitution has reached to the acme. The amendment of the previous constitution would have been more effective to strengthen the country rather than to face this situation.


As a common citizen, I am not going to go deeply through the new complete constitution if it is drafted. Likewise, every people are not going to do research on that constitution. Even if they are not going to calculate their rights based on Caste and creed. Whichever election process they have been involved; the citizen just wanted very  few simple agendas to be addressed viz. Employment opportunity, Even development according to potential resources in the country, least education that will not victimize any Nepalese citizen to exploitation in any country e.t.c. I suppose, if there is easy going in the country so that they can accomplish their work in any place in the country with easy facilitation by the law of country without obstacles, people will discard the lengthy chaotic process which is just taking the country into nowhere.


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