Elucidate your you

Let’s start from the beginning. Beginning of what? It would be fruitful if we begin from the place where we are living right now. OK! Earth. Earth one of the planets, where we live which we call everything. Whatever we do, whatever we search, whatever we find is on earth. We can shape a portion of earth as our wish for our benefit. We are the wise and powerful animal who is conscious of our actions. 

Let’s just not go directly to the solution how to live in a meaningful manner. Lets wonder at first. It might be a long procedure. Let’s analyze the situation first. Let’s find out what methods are adopted till now. The problems and the solution of human species in this planet are not explained in an effective way though as said by everyone. We believe that these matters addressed in many holy books which we respect to greater extent and we follow it. We observe many answers and explanations from different beliefs. A different part of earth consists of different peoples and they understand their methods of living and keys to happiness and success in their own way. Still, the humanity at present is trying to find out the practical and feasible procedure of living with happiness.

Science, one of the powerful discoveries helps us to believe the causes and effect of different phenomenon. The subject we used to wonder at past are no longer the mysteries now. Many theories are proven practically. People are acting accordingly to the scientific discoveries. Yet, sciences  also are incomplete. Well many peoples says so. There are no theories of not getting into trouble. There are no theories to live with happiness. People were so tired of discovering these matters that they introduced different kind of words like fate, luck. The discoveries supporting these words happens to be horoscopes, numerology. So, is it really practical and better way to describe the situations in our lives according to the alignment of stars and planet? Is there something linked between the constellations and us? We won’t say no but at the same time there are at some peoples who are against it.

We want our situation and time to run as our will. No doubt on that. For instance, if we face the problems, we want to get rid of them immediately. We want the existing unwanted situation to be converted into the willful better one. We always tend to become happy, satisfied in every period of time despite of the reality. The situation in which we are happy, we want it more and which we are not happy we don’t want it. But reality is the situation which we cannot control or change according to our desire. We should be familiar with the situations which we can control and which are beyond our control. Control here implies whether we are able to handle the given event or not. Most of us get into trouble if we try to change which is beyond our capability or control. Running from the reality is the initial step of getting into difficulties. We have to jump to the reality and explore the event where we are being involved.  There is no option of facing the situation what occur to us and it is worthless of worrying in vain.

Yes! We humans have got tremendous energy. The main purpose of being alive is to conserve that energy.  The simplest thing we have to keep the harmony between the chain of nature which is around us and the space which we are living now. It would be injustice to us if we are harmed by our self. It is normal that we will be harmed if we don’t accept the situations and try to change the unchangeable. Knowing our-self first might be the key to happiness.


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